Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cheap Thrills

Joe is definitely one of those "high-energy" kids who needs a constant outlet for his momentum,so just imagine how excited I was to discover a new way of wearing him out with very little expenditure of energy on my part. This past weekend I was playing "kitty" with the girls (again!), and I made them some kitty toys by tying little stuffed animals onto a piece of yarn. Joe saw them playing and got so into the idea of batting at the toy and trying to pounce on it before I pulled it away! He played for as long as I would yank the little string and was winded when he was done. It may seem like a little thing, but after dealing with the ants in his pants on a daily basis, I say it's an answer to prayer...and very blog-worthy!


Anonymous said...

And will they fetch?

Anonymous said...


Put some of those in the package to Uganda. They have two little kittens that would appreciate the same excitement.


Jewels said...

I think one of our kids favorite words is kitty. High five for cheap thrills!!

Team Smith said...

Mom's right, our kittens would get just as excited. Nice to know that kittens have some of the same perks as kids.
