Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ellie's First Day!

Ellie is officially a schoolgirl now! She had her first day of kindergarten yesterday, and all went well. As she left in the morning, she was very excited and "just a little bit nervous". You would never know it, though. Doesn't she just exude confidence in these pictures?! Fortunately that HUGE Hello Kitty backpack is almost empty, so she managed to walk to her class and proceeded to have a great day. She loved art class and meeting the other girls in her class (it was girls only for their first day). I knew she'd do fine, but still, I was praying all day and was so thankful that we have a God who is in control of each little detail of life.

The Last Girly Day

Because the kindergarten had a "staggered start", we had a few more days where the girls were home together without Joe. Monday was the last day, and we tried to make it fun. I think this is the hardest part about sending Ellie to school. The "girly days" chapter just seems way too short.

Kindergarten Orientation

Ellie's kindergarten orientation was last week and was a complete success! Kindergarten launches are EVER SO much easier the second time around. She will be in Mrs. C's room just like her brother was last year. I'm so thankful for that!

First Day of First Grade!

Joe had his first day of first grade last week. He was much more comfortable with the whole school thing this year, and wasn't event hat nervous about having a different teacher. We know he's in good hands with Mrs. S., and it hasn't been hard for him to hook up with his friends from last year during lunch and recess. It has been terribly hot, and our school isn't air-conditioned. We actually had an early release one day last week, which I thought was very kind of the powers-that-be.

Matt also went back to school last week. He "looped" up to fourth grade with his class this year, so it made for a nice transition. He said it was his easiest start of the school year yet. That's probably why he and Daniel look so relaxed in this picture!


Check out these fun T-shirts! I got the idea from Family Fun magazine. At the top they say "Summer Fun 2007", then each kid has six pictures featuring their favorite summer activities. I used the iron-on transfer paper that works for an inkjet printer. They came out really cute, and the kids just love them!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

One For My Brother

I don't know how often my brother stops by the blog, but I just got a great picture that I wanted to post in honor of him. As we were getting ready for bed last night, Erin and Ellie asked if it would be OK for Daniel to sleep in their room in one of their doll cradles. He's obviously too big but was a good sport about it anyway. I thought of Luke who grew up with two sisters about this much older than we know why he is the way he is! Way to go on making it to adulthood, Luke!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Our little "king of cuteness" went five hours between feedings last night! This means that I got four hours of uninterrupted sleep (which is so much better than two)! I felt like a new woman! I hope he can repeat the performance tonight...

We also want to wish our niece, Megan, a happy birthday today! As you can see from this picture, our kids love to be with Megan, and she always takes an interest in their little worlds. We love her for being such a kind, fun-loving, "adventurey" kind of gal. She's very cute, too, so I guess she fits into this post just fine. We hope her day is a special one!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Four Peas in a Pod

Daniel - Aug., 2007

Erin - Feb., 2004

Ellie - Feb., 2002

Joseph - June, 2000

Monday, August 13, 2007

Walk in the Park

Matt went back to school today, unofficially, to work in his classroom, which left me home alone with all four kids for the first time. I'm happy to say that we had a great day, which all began with an outing to the park in the morning. I just love walking behind my kids as they run, jump, and skip down the sidewalk to the park. As I follow them, marveling at their energy and overwhelmed with how much I love them, I always become sentimental and am just so thankful for another day to seize. I wish I had a picture to share here, but I forgot my camera...better that than the baby, I figure. The weather was beautiful, the first day we've had that is starting to hint that summer could come to an end. We had the whole playground to ourselves, and we played hide and seek. Then the kids got into a pretty elaborate game about good guy and bad guy castles, and the mulched area was water, so they couldn't walk there, etc. It just felt good to be the mom and to be truly enjoying the same stuff my kids were. What a beautiful morning!

Here's a completely unrelated picture. I just wanted to show what Daniel looks like with his eyes open.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Mother of Four

So here we are one week ago...

This week has flown by, and I know it's because I'm having so much fun. Isn't it amazing how aches, pains, and exhaustion can be so insignificant when you are falling in love with a newborn? Daniel's labor and delivery were my easiest ever, (checked into the hospital at midnight and at 4:19 am, he was born) and he continues to be a delightful baby. He eats and sleeps, fusses when we change his diaper, and more and more now is staying awake for short periods of time. The jury is still out on his eye color, but he definitely looks like he fits our family mold. His brother and sisters are still enthralled with him, although Joe is ready for him to be big enough to play.

It's been such a blessing to have Matt home all week. He is definitely one of the most helpful husbands on the planet! We've also been well taken care of by neighbors, friends, and family. (You should see the list of thank you's I need to write!) It's made for a nice transition to a family of six. Then just when I'm starting to think, "This isn't so bad," I remember, "Oh yeah, I haven't cooked all week." Maybe next week will be the true test...

And those are the ramblings of the sleep-deprived for tonight. I'm off to bed (for a couple hours, anyway).

Monday, August 06, 2007

Here He Is!

Great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever!
~Psalm 117:2

With thanksgiving, we announce the birth of
Daniel Matthew
August 2, 2007
9 pounds, 11 ounces
22 inches

We're all doing well, and no one can seem to get enough of this little guy!