Sunday, August 31, 2008


The other day, one of our children (who shall remain nameless)

did this to the door of our van (the deep scratches are very difficult to do justice to in a photo) with a ski pole! By accident, of course!

Why a ski pole in August, you may ask. That was a part of the adventure.

I guess fire-breathing dragons can sometimes be blue with a Toyota emblem on the front!


Anonymous said...

Definitely time to get to some classroom adventures! Fortunately, things are much less important than people -- especially growing ones. And someday, this will be truly amusing.

Bob said...

So true! Matt handled this one, and he did a nice job at being kind and understanding...but firm. I don't think it'll happen again.

Bob said...

But something else will...

Jewels said...

Oy is a good word for that. lol