Friday, September 29, 2006


The park down the street from us has three playground areas that have been dubbed by my kids, "The Uphill Park", "The Merry-Go-Round Park", and "The Climbing Park". This week we've been really into the uphill park, where the main attraction is a good old-fashioned jungle gym. We're talking the kind with the bars that are just (gasp!) metal and not even safety-coated with that rubbery stuff. (Can you believe we let our kids play here?) I'm sure this jungle gym has been standing since well before my time, and it's still solid. I love to go with the kids and watch, so I can cheer (again!) each time they make it to the top or bottom. There's also nothing quite like that little adrenalin rush I get each time I watch one of them almost fall. To add to the excitement, this week must have been "Acorn Week" in our part of Ohio. The huge oak trees above the jungle gym were literally raining acorns. How none of us got hit, I chalk up to divine intervention. And speaking of divine, what mom wouldn't love this shot?


Jewels said...

Cute pictures, Bob! Reminds me of the "twisty slide" park our kids loved.

Anonymous said...


I had a jungle gym like this (less the colored paint) at central elementary school in Willard in the early 1960's.

Uncle Alan

Bob said...

And you still remember it, Uncle Alan? You must have enjoyed it as much as our kids do this one. It's a classic!