Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Some Catching Up

So, the problem with starting to think like a blogger is that I get all these things that I want to write about and then when I skip a few days, I have all these stories backed up in my mind. Here are some of the headlines of the past week...hard to believe I'd have so many things to write about. I guess it's been a big week for us.

Littlefin, III

The fish that looks like it's inspecting Joe's ear in this picture is our latest Littlefin. He's the third and we're hoping he'll be "the charm". Joe picked him out last Thursday and chose him based on how "active" he was. I've gotten used to the bright red color, although I really prefer blue. So far, he's proven himself a voracious eater! This is a big contrast to our last two, so maybe we've got a keeper this time. I guess Joe knows how to pick 'em. Let's hope that trait continues on into the dating years.


We went to the Marching Band Spectactular (Why does that name make me laugh?) here in town last weekend. The main draw for me was that "my" Dancin' Band from Falconland was going to be performing. It was difficult to get a good picture. In this one they're doing some of their signature dance moves, but there's just no way to photograph the sound. When I was in high school we were all called "Band Rats" which, obviousy, was meant as an insult. Our director, however, turned it into a compliment by telling us, "Hey, that's OK. It's good to be animalistic about your marching! Be a rat!!" It's funny because now I see it as such a line but, at the time, we all bought it. Kids started to get T-shirts that said, "Band Rats Rock", and the insult lost its power. They really are a fun band to watch perform, and I'm proud to be an alum. Once a band rat, always a band rat!

Ellie's Big Day

For about a year now Ellie has been wanting to take ballet classes, and after much counting down, the big day of her first class finally arrived on Monday. She had an absolutely wonderful time. (I was so relieved she wasn't disappointed after having it all built up in her mind.) It sounds like her teacher, who's been doing this for quite awhile, really knows how to talk to kids and get them to enjoy the discipline of ballet. I hope that her talent is greater than her mother's, but even if it's not, I think she's having more fun than I ever had. (And she didn't even have to change into her leotard while riding in the car, Mom!)

Something With Erin

I guess Erin's the kid without any big headlines this week, so I'll just add this cute picture I got of her blowing bubbles. Or should I say, spitting through the bubble wand? She's still working on this skill. Isn't it amazing how many things we've had to learn that we've forgotten had to be learned?


Jewels said...

Great pictures & great memories, Bob! It would have been great fun to have a blog when my kids were young. Well, it's still fun!

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that I'm managing to keep up on the road -- thanks for sharing. Looking forward to meeting Littlefin3, should it survive that long, and to hearing about ballet. Not sure that I want to be on the receiving end of the bubbles, however.
Take care,

Bob said...

Good call on the bubbles, AB! It's a pretty messy ordeal.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how much I enjoy going to your blog and getting your updates. It's fun to actually see the kids in their daily activities. This entry was especially pleasurable. I love Joe's imitation of Littlefin III???
Ellie looks like she is in her height of glory. I hope she enjoys the plie, relevez. I'll work on Erin's bubbles some more. We had some success last time.

Enjoy each moment!