Saturday, October 07, 2006

Spider Hunt

I thought this was funny...

The other day Joe came to me as I was preparing supper to ask me to come kill a spider for them. As this is not one of my favorite activities, I asked some questions and found out that the spider was not in a location that was truly bothering them. I knew that Matt would be home soon, so I told them to wait until he got there to take care of the problem or take care of it themselves. (Do I sound like a cruel, heartless mother?) I heard Joe praying as he left the kitchen, "God, please help me to be brave enough to kill the spider." A few minutes later all three kids were back in the kitchen, so thrilled with themselves because they had a spider carcass to throw in the trash. Joe had thrown a beanbag at the spider and hit it, but he still didn't know if it was dead, so he sent Erin to pick up the beanbag. When they ascertained that the spider was, indeed, dead, Joe gave Ellie the job of picking it up with a tissue and throwing it in the trash. Joe was so proud of their teamwork! I guess God answered his prayer...or at least He helped someone be brave.


Jewels said...

He was brave to take the action of throwing the bean bag and orchestrating the whole project!

Team Smith said...

Joe cracks me up. This sounds just like him. Do you think he is a leader?! Good thin that he has two great sisters that he is willing to share the limelight with.