Friday, October 27, 2006

Trick or Treat

Here's the trick or treat line-up for this year. We have...
a fly, (It was hard to get a good picture of this one!)

an Indian girl, (Thanks, Grandma Barb!)

and a "leedle tiny mousie"!

It was a cold, wet night. Erin made it to a total of six houses before we headed home. Joe and Ellie kept on for about an hour, which was much longer than they've ever gone before. The costumes are the fun part of this day for the kids, while they each have a different take on the candy. Joe came back home, dumped his candy on the floor, and said, "I don't really like any of this stuff." He's a picky eater and it extends to candy, too, which is fine by me. Erin just likes to look at the colorful candy wrappers. After each house, she had to stop and examine her treat closely before we could go on. Ellie likes most of her candy and likes to make it last. Today I found her eating her last "Smartie", one hour after she had started the first piece!

And so we made it through. Today the kids were talking about how they wish it could be trick or treat every night. No, thanks. I'm ready to get onto the next set of holidays. Halloween has taken so much of my time and energy, and I somehow feel some of it could have gone to better endeavors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And what's better than giving your kids a special memory? Though perhaps a simpler effort could be considered.

Thanks for sharing -- the lovely maiden and the wee cute mousie. And it's a treat (for science types) to see the one who wouldn't go anywhere near an insect, at age 3 or so, now embracing fly-hood. We all learn as we grow! AB