Friday, November 10, 2006

Indian Summer

We've enjoyed a bit of an Indian summer this week, with highs in the 60's. It's not really my favorite weather, (I love winter and always look forward to it getting cold and staying cold) but it did give the kids some nice days to play outside. I got this picture of the girls playing by their treehouse today. Matt built the treehouse in the summer of 2005 because I really thought we needed a cool place for the kids to hang out in the backyard. It's a platform that's right under some low-hanging branches, and it has a slide out one side. The kids haven't taken to it like I thought they would...or like I know I would have when I was a kid! Now that it's been up for about a year, they are starting to play on it more. I actually took this picture so Matt could see that all his labor was not in vain. Great treehouse, Daddy-o!


Anonymous said...

Learned anything more about the trees themselves?

Glad they've discovered the joys of climbing -- you do know the story about Baboo, the TV tower and the babysitter, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Cool treehouse. I hope your kids have years of fun in there!!!