Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Laying Low!

Here is Ellie's rendition of where we were supposed to be tonight.

Our plan was to be enjoying an indoor water park at a reduced rate through my mom's school conference. The Lord's will for us, however, was to be laid low by some flu virus for the better part of a week. (Just be thankful you can't pick up our germs over the internet!) We're not complaining because we know we can trust His timing in all things, and fortunately, we could reschedule the water park for the second week of March. This has been a very big week, with all the birthday and valentine happenings plus all of us very sick. I'm going to blog it in rewind over the next few days. Not tonight....just looking at this bright screen makes my head hurt.


Cheryl said...

Oh, Bobbie. . . this whole time I was thinking that you were not blogging because you were at the waterpark! I'm so sorry. Guess what?. . . Jake just threw up and has a fever. . . here we go!

Amy said...

Yuk...I'm so sorry to hear that you've all been struck by the flu!! Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you guys are sick... feel better soon! XOXO

ps... Bob, there are some pictures you will recognize on my blog today. ;) XOXO