Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Zoo Without Diapers

I'm home from church with a coughing, feverish Erin. I have 30 "Dora minutes" to blog.

We went to the zoo on Friday morning for our best visit yet! No diapers, cool temperatures, and we splurged on one of the rental strollers which are so much better to get around with. We're learning. Friday morning was cool and overcast, and we got to Columbus early enough that we could see many of the animals before they got heated up. Of course, our first stop was to see the baby "elfant" (always Erin's favorite). We've been watching this little guy grow up. He was born the same time as Erin which makes it fun. (I didn't take any new pictures of him because we already have way too many. I'm learning there, too.) We got a really good show from the sun bears, lions, orangutans, and tigers. The kids especially liked watching the gibbons where a baby was playing chase with the adults.

After lunch we found some monkeys (can't remember the name) which are native to Uganda, so Joe wanted us to get this picture for Aunt Martha and Uncle Eric. (Their habitat also featured the native Ugandan sun.)

Then for a final treat, everybody...


the carousel.

Well, the Dora minutes are up. Dora "did it" again..."Hooray!" We're off for a walk now.


Team Smith said...

Thanks for the picture. I am looking forward to seeing some of the black colobus monkeys here. They are one of my favorites, because they seem a bit clumsy. They just seem to fall from the branches.

I also like the picture on the gorilla, another native of Uganda.

Glad that this trip went so smoothly.

Anonymous said...

This is a day that will be etched in your memory for many years to come. What a treat to have the perfect mix of weather, zoo-time, and diaperless kids!! Thanks for the pictures.

Baboo Bailey

Anonymous said...

We got to ride on a carousel last weekend as well! UD chose a bright pink pig with a gnome on its rump. AB rode the loon. It was part of our outing that also included learning how shoes are made and about the attire once worn at traditional Japanese weddings. Sounds as if we all had wondrous times.