Sunday, December 03, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mary!

Today is the birthday of one of our very cutest relatives, Mary, a.k.a. Tiny Mouse! She's turning five today in the far-off state of Montana, and we're wishing she were closer, so we could tell her happy birthday and see some of her great smiles in person. We adore Mary for her generous nature and happy heart.

Mary's also a great person to have around when you're having a water relay. She's one persistent little cup bearer. I would say she was the unofficial MVP of her team in this water relay pictured last summer.With Mary being just a few months older than Ellie, I have some cute pictures of them together through the years. This one is when they were two, and it's one of my favorite pictures of all time. We love you, Miss Mary! Happy Birthday!


Jewels said...

Cute pictures, Bobbie!

And Happy Birthday to Mary!!! So exciting.

Anonymous said...

Must be great to grow up with cousins....sorry I missed out on that. Happy birthday, mighty little mouse.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a good giggle, especially with a cousin of like age.

Happy Birthday Mary!!

Baboo Bailey